SESSION: Deep Dive: A canary in the coal mine: How do we hold interdisciplinary process and product in tension with place?
Online In Person with

lutruwita / Tasmania, the island state of Australia, is home to beautiful landscapes of rugged beach and forests deep with unique flora and fauna. These delicate ecosystems underpin arguably one of the most culturally vibrant creative communities in Australia. However, this state also shoulders significant socio-economic challenges, with some of the lowest levels of educational attainment in Australia (Stratford et al. 2016). Problems of such complexity have been identified as a key social justice issue (Badham et al, 2021), where interdisciplinary education, community and the arts can enable meaningful engagement and growth for young people and professionals alike.
Bringing together voices of regional artists, cultural producers, education specialists and scholars, this session will share the values and new potential found in ‘being and becoming interdisciplinary’ in the intersection of creative arts, community and social justice. The team of collaborators bring a breadth of disciplinary and practice expertise gained across a diverse range of creative industries, education and community contexts.
Image: Big hART’s ‘When Water Falls’ event in Sheffield, Tasmania, June 2021. Photographer: Nicky Akehurst