SESSION: Round Table: Soliloquy: Engagement & Capacity building for young Artists
In Person with

SOLILOQUY (Noun) The act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any listeners.
Soliloquy is a multi-artform visual project for young people/emerging artists aged 18-25. The project combines digital art, sound, projection, literary narrative and spoken word into an immersive festival experience.
This round table discussion connects the current young Soliloquy artists and facilitators with ARTLANDS delegates to present, explore and discuss innovative models of capacity building for young artists under the backdrop of an installation at Junction Arts Festival 2021.
As Soliloquy is a project that embraces examining, celebrating and exploring youth identity, the perspectives of each young artist in Soliloquy 2021 will be given voice through this round table.
The format will comprise: overviews from the facilitators, presentations from the artists, group panel discussion and some time for questions and responses.
The young artists will share their experiences, successes and hopes and explore the challenges they face, provoking and inspiring delegates to consider their own experiences