SESSION: Round Table: Project O - an asset and place based approach to developing gender equity in regional communities
In Person with

In this panel, we will interrogate the impact of Project O – an arts-based family violence prevention program piloted in North West Tasmania by award winning arts and social change organisation Big hART. This panel will look at the approach, the challenges and opportunities that have come out of 6 years of place-based practice, working with 100 young women to develop community engagement, arts based skills, entrepreneurial thinking and advocacy.
Project O is an award winning, arts based primary prevention project. Through Project O, young women gain new skills and resilience, equipping them to drive attitudinal change in their community, challenge entrenched gender inequality and help prevent the normalisation of family violence.
Through innovative mentoring workshops, Project O supports a generation of young women to be leaders – capable of driving change. Project O champions the individual aspirations of participants and fosters the personal agency required to achieve them.
Image: Project O participants MC’ing at Tunes in the Tulips 2018. Melanie Kate Photography.